Legendary Martini Cocktail
The Martini Legendario Cocktail is a Vodka combination with a mixture of Blackberry Liqueur, Lemon Juice and Sugar Syrup.
Base drink: Vodka
Preparation difficulty
Ingredients amount: 4
This is the list of ingredients to prepare a glass of “Legendary Martini cocktail”.
- 2 Measures of Frozen Vodka
- 1 Measure of cold Blackberry Liqueur
- 1 Measure of cold Lemon Juice.
- Ice
- 1 Blow of Sugar Syrup
1 Measure = 50ml / 1,5 oz / 5cl
See measurement table.
For the preparation of the “Legenday Martini Cocktail“ we will follow these steps:
(It is advisable to have a cocktail shaker to facilitate the work).
- Take a cocktail shaker and add ice.
- Add ice cold vodka, lemon juice, and blackberry liqueur to cocktail shaker.
- Shake the mixture until very cold.
- Strain on a cold Martini Cup.
- Enjoy your drink!
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